Sustainable Urban Recycling
What is it that makes urban environments sustainable, inclusive, comprehensible and inviting? What character-izes an urban environment that encourage walking, bik-ing and use of public transport at the expense of travel by car? How can large investments in for example new infrastructure become the generator for a sustain-able renewal and vitalisation of central urban areas? Students in the design project Sustainable Urban Recy-cling at School of Architecture, Lund University have explored these questions, using Malmö and the city tun-nel as their case study.
The aim of the design course Sustainable Urban Recy-cling is to develop the students’ skills in designing strategic visions for sustainable built environments with reference to current international trends regard-ing processes of urban transformation. The interna-tional group of 26 students from 18 nations worldwide have studied aspects of urban sustainability and ap-plied those studies on areas close to the new city tun-nel station Triangeln and Malmö C. This is primarily done by the students carrying out an advanced design assignment parallel with them being stimulated to de-scribe, analyse and evaluate urban environments, struc-tures, contexts and development strategies from archi-tectural, ecological, humanist and socioeconomic per-spectives. This course specifically emphasizes the need for a well designed continuous public space through the city, connecting green areas, nodes for public trans-portation, entrances to residential dwellings, shops, service and other kinds of publicly used urban func-tions. Many people sharing the same public spaces con-tributes to a sense of inclusiveness, belonging and safety.
Teaching staff
Åsa Bjerndell, White Architects in Malmö,
Niels de Bruin, White Architects in Malmö,
Catharina Sternudd, associate senior lecturer, School of Architecture, Lund University
Andreas Olsson, graduated teaching assistant, School of Architecture, Lund University
Peter Siöström, examiner and ass. Professor, School of Architecture, Lund University
Melis Atacan, Nicholas Bigelow, Aleksandra Blazhevska, Sofia Digerstedt, Mina Dorrigiv, Lubomira Doytchinova, Kate Droney, Therese Eriksson, Justin Galligan, Virginia Goh, Gordon Hunt, Sanne Jakobsson, Tadas Jokubauskas, Christina Lochon, Julia Lübke, Gisele Paiva, Tamara Pavlovic, Jose Manuel Riquelme Marin, Danguole Rucinskaite, Samin Salehi Moorkani, Emil Soleymanpur, Pauline Touranche, Kun Hua Tung, Hua Wan, Yang Xianfang, Beril Özbay
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