Monday, May 31, 2010

Studio Description from the Students

[Utilize. Envision + Sustain] was an investigation of the effects of city tunnel project on the structure and energy flows in the city of Malmö. Students were encouraged to raise questions and investigate issues that look into the themes of urban recycling, adaptive reuse, sustainable transportation hubs, and place making.

A series of analysis, workshops, a study trip to the Netherlands formed sources of inspiration the students and their creation of sustainable visions for Malmö's future. Divided in two groups, students worked in areas of Nyhamnen and Triageln. The student work landed in individual design proposals for their respective study areas.

For a deeper understanding of the content of the students´ work, please take the time to view the student led blog at

[Utilize. Envision + Sustain] was a studio in the Sustainable Urban Design master course and was run during autumn term of 2009 at the Faculty of Architecture, LTH, Lund University.

Projects being Added

Student projects have begun being uploaded. Please check out the pages "Student Work- Nyhamnen" and "Student Work - Triangeln" to see all the student proposals with a short write-up on the projects intent.

Much move to see at the coming exhibition in the Malmo City Hall starting June 15th and running throughout the summer.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010


Hello Everyone,

This will be a website housing design proposals from the Sustainable Urban Design (SUDes) international master's program at Lund University. In the following weeks projects will be uploaded from the Sustainable Urban Dynamics course from the fall of 2009. This course forms the first semester of the master's program and looks to concentrate on the anlaysis, visioning, and design processes necessary to create quality urban space.

We hope you enjoy the design proposals and the coming summer exhibition of the work in Malmo. Please feel free to leave comments and participate in the discussion.